Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 5: Finally out of the ICU

Day 5:
March 28, 2012

Today wasn’t the normal routine, we got to sleep in a little because the last few days have been exhausting and we all needed to catch up on some sleep. Shasta stayed at the hospital with Josh last night so she was giving us the update early this morning that he has been so excited to talk that he wanted to stay up all night! So when I got there this morning he was getting some rest.
We had a good friend come up and see Josh this morning, he had just found out about his accident last night so he came to the hospital to see if everyone was doing okay. My family hasn’t seen this friend in a year so it was good to catch up with him and tell him Josh’s story. The best part was telling him that he was doing alright and could talk now. We finally got to go back and see Josh, I was the last person to go back there and talk to him but he seemed like he was in great spirits!
 The nurse had come into the room and told Josh that his time was up in the ICU and he was moving up to a general room today. She asked if Josh preferred to go to his new room by stretcher, hospital bed, or wheelchair. Josh replied “whatever is easiest for you guys!” Seriously J?  You just got shot and almost lost your life 4 days ago and you told the nurse whatever is easiest for THEM! What a selfless human my brother is! He didn’t care how he got up there as long as it was easiest for the person transporting him! They ended up taking him up by wheelchair. I left the room while they prepared him for his journey up to a floor where he wasn’t going to constantly be watched over. I know for a fact that Josh was relieved!
After about ten minutes of waiting in the hallway my brother came down that hallway in a wheelchair with a HUGE smile on his face! Of course Josh being Josh wanted to show dad that he had been working on the strength in his left arm that as he drove by him, he threw a little ball at him with his left hand! We are all so excited and relieve because we never thought we would see the day that Josh would be moving from the ICU. Josh got up to his new room and a few visitors started flowing in. His best friends Mike Truex and his fiancé Ryanne, and Christian all came to see him this afternoon.
The coolest part about seeing my brother get visitors is that as soon as he has a friend walk into that room they automatically get overcome with joy when they see my brothers beautiful and healthy face. Since he has been able to speak yesterday he has had the biggest smile on his face. There has not been one moment that I have seen him down in the dumps or angry that some “bastard” would shoot him.
Josh has been working so hard to get his left side to cooperate with him these last few days and has made such an improvement since yesterday. He is able to give a firm hand shake with his left side now.   
I don’t think I could be more proud of any human in my whole entire life. It always makes me think that God had a plan for Josh that night. He definitely had an angel sitting next to him at the time of the accident.  Most people in Josh’s position Friday night would have done anything to protect themselves. But not very many people know that when my brother heard gun shots he thought about his friend sitting next to him first and made sure that she was out of the way of the bullets because he didn’t want to have his friend’s two little kids to grow up without their mommy.  My brother is a selfless man and everyone has every right to be proud of him!
Our new family motto is “No pity for cowards.” Josh came up with this one because if you pitty yourself like the man that shot him that night and almost took my brother’s life from him, you will get nowhere in life! Stand up for yourselves and preserver though your tough times because you CAN get through them with a little elbow grease and motivation!

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